Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Poetically Urban | 17th - 23rd Oct. 2018 | Juneja Art Gallery, Jaipur

Sangeeta Juneja presents 'Poetically Urban' which is 132nd show sponsored by Artchill

Cities are like lovers

They welcome you, touch and caress you with the hands of their luminous streets and dark mysterious alleys, and their lamp posts seem like the signifiers of some unknown civilization. You could laugh, weep and dream with them and they will listen to you and never let you alone. They seem in perpetual waiting for those who are in love with them. The allurement of the city is such that if you enter it once, notwithstanding the complexities and hardships you come across, you will never go back, never leave it because, as the great Greek poet Cavafy says, the ‘city will always pursue you.’ 

Poetical renderings on canvass by 6 artists , each in love with his own city, pouring his love in each one's unique style.


Somenath Maity is a painter with a strong drawing base, his canvases are unique in their starkness and almost monochromatic quality. Invisibility of human beings in Somenath’s canvases is also a profound statement on the city life where imposing structures take the center-stage and people often become secondary, marginalized and negligible.

Abstract art is not an imitation of reality or a parallel depiction of it, but it does have a relation with the reality which is often complex and dialectical in its nature. In the abstract art, realism gets transformed into what can be called a ‘higher or heightened realism’. 

Somenath’s canvases are superb examples of the dialectics of reality and abstraction, of the ‘heightened realism’ as they do not just provide  the exteriors, but depict the essence, the soul of the city.  Somenath’s Kolkata is much more  interiorized, it’s a Kolkata that transcends  its physical appearances, a  city within the city where geometrical shapes, angles and triangles, domes, turrets and minarets of a building, temple, church  or mosque, balconies, doors and railings of old and new houses  cast semblances upon each other and form another place. 

Somenath’s cityscapes are beautiful, illuminated, and enchanting visuals of the city that are quite layered and imposing, but they belong more to a ‘felt’ space rather than a ‘seen ‘one. They are solitary and dream-like too. They provide a visual treat, but what is more striking is that they seem to unfold some mystery to you and you wish to remain in front of them for as long as you can. This has been possible mainly due to Somenath’s masterly use of light in his colors. He has succeeded in producing the inherent light of each and every color he has used.  Somenath’s colors represent fascinating variations, layers and hazes of light and create a pervasive veil of atmosphere. In a number of his canvases we see a vast and stylized sky with various hues, clusters of stars and an occasional half moon, and all these images form a grand dream of atmosphere. The lights of the city at night were one of the first images Somenath came across as a boy from village. It’s no wonder that they remained with him and became a part of his consciousness and creations. Since then, he has been listening and talking to the city, walking round it, dreaming and lamenting with it and finding a world with every footstep. He dreams the city in lines, colors and lights, and creates poetry in his canvases.


The fusion of neon's, bright colors and the precision of lines speak vociferously of Suparna Mondal's work as it denotes her style and philosophy of the art produced. Art, in which traditional norms are broken, to liberate oneself to the spirit of experimentation. Contemporary artists are now open to experimentation  on new ways of visualization and Suparna has also explored fresh ideas & use of varied materials and medium. She has moved away from the narrative, towards stylized abstraction to portray the energy, pulse & dynamism in these Urban fantasies. My seven years at Viswa Bharati helped me to understand the harmony and coexistence between sound and silence.”

The collage of acrylic and mixed media, that have become intrinsic to her style, add essentials to understand each painting. Each of these paintings works as a timeline in the artist's journey. A transition in her life comes each time she looks out of the ‘window’, the window that plays a major role in her life. Suparna says, “windows have always held importance in this journey of mine. I have seen stories of different cities through it and have spoken to the beaming lights and their sounds too. My prime focus remained to be able to narrate stories of yesterday, today and tomorrow.”

Metros have now become home to the artist and the window substituted with the canvas on which she narrates tales of these cities as each city inspired and was creatively captured on these canvases by the artist - covering all the context from the streets to skyscrapers, nature to city heights, pace to peace and from shimmering lights to fragile windows with controlled drawing of lines , use of bright color tones and  use of interesting mixed media. These bubbles are waiting to burst with their spirit of energies to celebrate the ease, the play of colors, tones, lines and forms.  

In this cosmos, fascination with art and use of intense warm colors in these architectural urban scapes , SHE composes a rhythmical succession of the different features of the city life – living or nonliving to convey the feelings of emotional liberation which needs to be corrected in time.


Silhouetted against the experimental firmament of contemporary art of Rajasthan, Kiran Murdia, a representative modernist, reflects the influences of traditions of miniature painting in her works. Kiran as an artist of innovative nature weaves the themes that revolve around images and objects of her natural surroundings. Often the compositions are intricate but well structured and well-knit. The obdurate repetition creates a stylistic vein yet the transfiguration is creative - colorful and concrete.

Her infinite love of nature breathes life into the inanimate with soothing harmony of colors.  It is, at the same time, an escape from the mundane murky development of mad age for seeking solace in solitude. Her attempt is to rejuvenate the traditional pictorial idiom sufficed with a contemporary accent.

Through the last three decades by her constant craftsmanship she has carved for herself an abiding niche in the contemporary art scene of Rajasthan. In her present renderings of the various landscapes, she vehemently loads her imagery with layers of pigments using roller strokes in her artistic endeavor to delve deep into the nostalgic wealth of heritage and love for one's own terra-firma.

Deepak Kumar -What enchants a viewer about his works which leave them spellbound is the surge of passionate strokes that stand vertically slash horizontally, weaving a lovely brightness of activity with silhouettes of skyline on top and on the lower planes the edge of dark deep abysmal sea that spreads like a band of solitude in contrast to the middle regions of his canvasses which also convey a sense of TIMELESSNESS and SPACE. The palette of his hues and variable tones ensures the merging of both with his energetic zestful strokes.

Bold strokes  depict his coastline erect themselves as colors define the mood of nature surrounding. These cityscapes are tranquil and serene in some and volatile in some as the skyline bows gracefully to the seas...

The Cityscapes along harbor as weaved by Sasanka Ghosh  trigger a dynamic process and compel us to look at reality as an Impressionistic illusion and dig deeper in his abstraction to translate what he has experienced over a period of years. It is almost as if the four winds gathered, teased his eye lending him a fervor, strength and vitality as he translates the depth of nature’s attributes evoking climates in consonance with the tangled strokes of the planar divisions of the sky-we can sense an inter connectivity of both the visible and the invisible.

His canvasses are modernist in nature with impressionistic undertones. His skill is evident in the way he creates imaginative and stunning cityscapes & harbor scenes – as molten images in various hues lending a strange luminosity to the skies and the reflections beneath in contrast to the thickly applied coastal images. 

Sanjay Baishnab His landscapes are picture postcard perfect. At first you are taken in by the sheer prettiness of it all. It is lush and luminescent, capturing with impressionistic fervor, nature at its photogenic best. The paintings are ethereal and lovely, swathed in blue-grey mist, his works on Benaras brim with the timeless energy of the Ghats.

In his paintings, the landscape is the center point of attention. It surges ahead with force and a startling sense of immediacy. Inside the canvas, the past and the present, ideas, people and monuments and nature melt to form a fecund world where boundaries are seamless. If lighting is used to enhance emotion and mood, color in his work is used to navigate a range of meaning. Bright and rich hues are evocative and lustrous.  The canvas is nourished with joyful energy & color. The temple pond and the devout bather converge, the pilgrims , the trees, palm shores and boats all mingle : it is hard to tell where the borders begin and where they end. A lot is happening on his canvas. It is usually bustling with activity and we get a feel of the imminent, as if we are about to witness events just about to unfurl upon the canvas. We aspire to live briefly in those moments of ephemeral loveliness as we keep our sense of splendor alive, our response to beautiful things are heightened because our everyday lives are moored to the world of mediocre imagery.


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