136th Show sponsored by Artchill at JUNEJA ART GALLERY .
Ganga Singh's latest paintings offer us a glimpse into inner landscapes of another world. In these dreamlike scenes, cohabited by animals and people, strange interactions occur that question the traditional logic and expectations of viewing. The bold abundance of vivid color in his new paintings call for viewers delectation of beautiful patterns, which is his signature pictorial element. His depictions are always stylized from his own imagination, memory and dreams alike.
Art, since prehistoric times, has influenced man. Art can speak where words fail. Nature offers us pictorial and aesthetic beauty as images and ideas. Artist Ganga Singh adds to it -elements of abstraction, distortion and simplification to create an alternative world and life where the physical and mystical co-inhabit. ‘My paintings are based on my response to nature. They are modern designs with a strong primitive and tribal influence. Symmetry plays an important role in my painting with powerful and simplified forms.’ ‘Imagination is the most enjoyable faculty man has. It is God’s gift to man. I believe this imagination provokes him to create and make life worthwhile. Most people ignore their imaginative thoughts. They are too busy in meeting their day to day requirements. I watch my thoughts carefully. They are continuous, without any gap. They take you away from misery….they make you happy ’ says the artist. Most of the time one feels one’s thoughts are wild dreams, un-reasonable, foolish, as they are absurd. But this is the beauty of thoughts. They recreate combinations, take new form, give birth to new dimensions, and create parallel reality. They balance our existence. Ganga uses forms associated with our day to day life to tell stories through his paintings. Philosophy, he feels is equally important. Everything, whether it is living man or animal or non-living: all are equal and have emotions like us. They also act & react the same way as humans. Animals, trees and other animated forms in his work have human faces. ‘I give animal like faces to human beings to show their animal instinct, which dominates their behavior in today`s world.. I have made an effort to portray the deep and hidden emotions that we experience. The purity of colors and forms are very evident which depicts the relationship of body and soul. ‘ In his artistic pursuit he gives importance to his creative expression along with the material and mode he employs. While each material has its limitation in application, he strives to get the maximum out of it, at times even deviating from set procedures and use methods that are not in time with orthodox approach.