GALLERY ARTCHILL takes Great pleasure to the art lovers for its splendid 76th sponsored show .
....timeless Energy of BENARAS GHATS by famous Indian Painter YASHWANT SHIRWADKAR
OPENING - 10 am , on 17th Dec 2011, Gallery Artchill at Amber fort.
This is an exquisite show of palette knife by the Master Painter- Requesting favor of coverage !!!
Show is on view
Gallery Artchill, Amber Fort from 17th to 24th Dec 2011
Artchill corridor at Le Meridien Jaipur from 26th Dec 2011 to 5th Jan 2012
Juneja Art Gallery from 8th Jan to 14th Jan 2012
Excerpts from the article on his works--- In the bucolic idylls that Yashwant Shirwadkar paints, the landscapes are picture postcard perfect. At first you are taken in by the sheer prettiness of it all. It is lush and luminescent, capturing with impressionistic fervor, nature at its photogenic best. The paintings are ethereal and lovely, swathed in blue-grey mist, his works on Benaras brim with the timeless energy of the Ghats. This simplicity however, is quite deceptive. The undulating shore fronts and verdant abundance are a ploy to get you into a deeper level of viewing.... If lighting is used to enhance emotion and mood, color in his work is used to navigate a range of meaning. Bright and rich hues are evocative and lustrous. They accentuate the air of celebration that most of his works exude. The short brush strokes and use of the palette knife also add to vim of movement. The canvas is nourished with energy, color, a sense of fun and joy............ By depicting a plastic paradise with just that little bit imperfection his landscapes remain with us. “Nowhere, beloved does any world exist save that within.” Wrote Rilke in the Duino Elegias.